
4.70 out of 5

Avg. Deductible



30 day(s)

Avg. Plan Length

2 to 5 years

Established In


Company Location

Sherman Oaks, CA

Complaint Resolution


How many vehicles would you like to protect?

About Toco

Toco Warranty Corporation offers simple and affordable auto warranty coverages that are backed by the financial strength of their parent company, AmTrust Financial Services, Inc. The company boasts a streamlined claims process and offers affordable monthly payments, a nationwide network of repair facilities, and no down payment requirements.

Review Composite Score

4.70/5    Very Good

Based on 5 Reviews

4.80 Customer Service
4.70 Repair Time
4.60 Quality
4.70 Overall Rating
Gorge L.


Happy with the service i just renewed for another 3 years

Michael W.


For what they offer, the level of coverage, it is very competitively priced. When I purchased it, they were very helpful and very knowledgeable and there was no pressure.

Sarah V.


Awesome company haven't had any run ends with them. They are always able to help me with payment arrangements when I need them.

Marilyn K.


I had a great experience with each person I talked to regarding my claim. They were very helpful, positive, & answered all of my questions to my satisfaction.

John L.


As far as speaking Stuart Sharp, He is very kind and courteous. He set me up with the right package and looking forward to using the benefits that come along with it.

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-Car Warranty

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